My name is Greg Paziuk and I’m choosing sides. That’s a big deal. I’m not a registered member of a Canadian political party. I’ve been known to bet on both red and black. I even stayed out of the whole Team Edward/Team Jacob AND Team Peeta/Team Gale. But this time I’m taking a stand and picking a side (sort of): while GATAcademy is a rite of passage, I really look forward to GATA Winter Academy the most. Here’s why:

1.) Smaller Groups. In the spirit of full-disclosure, I’ve never liked large crowds. That’s one reason the intimate, round-table feel of GATA Winter Academy is more my style. Less space means fewer participants, which often means more opportunities for questions and interaction.

2.) Make Your Own Schedule. It’s easy to get excited about GATAcademy and the hugeness (hugeocity?) of that event, but there is so much crammed into one day that I sometimes get overwhelmed. Winter Academy is much more spacious, laid-back, luxurious even. With more time and space between workshops, you can pick and choose what works with your schedule.

3.) Second Chances. As per the point about schedules above, there just isn’t enough time to be everywhere at once for GATAcademy, nor is time-travel perfect enough to try. If you were forced to choose between two workshops being offered at the same time this fall, Winter Academy could be your chance to have your cake and eat it too. Many of the workshops offered at GATAcademy will be repeated at Winter Academy, which means y0u can sit in on those you missed, or even repeat the ones you enjoyed most.

4.) We All Need Refreshers. You’re a totally different GA or TA today than you were in September. That’s not molecular biology, that’s just a fact of being a student teacher growing and learning in your field. By now you’ve learned a little about what works well and what’s not for you. Workshops like those offered at Winter Academy are an important part of healthy reflective teaching and learning practices. Because the previous semester is still fresh in your minds, Winter Academy is the perfect opportunity to focus on developing the skills you found you needed most in the fall.

5.) We All Need To Vent. No one understands the struggles of being a GA/TA like other GA/TAs. Winter Academy is to connect or re-connect with a support group of fellow GA/TAs and discuss the highs and lows of being a student teacher. Whatever challenges you may have had in the fall, you’ll find they appear less terrible when you share them with others.

So, have you registered for GATA Winter Academy 2014 yet?


Calling All Leddy Library Patrons

On December 27, 2013, in Announcements, Research, UWindsor, by gregorynpaziuk

Many people we know affectionately refer to UWindsor’s Leddy Library as the campus’ “book repository”. The fact is that Leddy has so much more to offer, and our friendly neighbourhood librarians are always looking for ways to improve student services. Now they want to hear from you:

I hope you are having a relaxing holiday until the next semester.
My name is Yayo Umetsubo and I am a co-op librarian at the Leddy Library at the University of Windsor. Under Ms. Karen Pillon, the Head of Access Services at the Leddy Library, I am conducting an online anonymous survey regarding our library resources and services.
Please help us enhance our library services by participating in this survey.
Thank you so much for being part of our survey! We would really appreciate your input!
Best regards,
Yayo Umetsubo
Co-op Librarian
Leddy Library, University of Windsor
So let’s try a little exercise. Close your eyes. Yes, all of you. Now imagine the perfect library (we can dream). What does it look like? What can you do there? What does it need? Once you have answers to these questions, share them with Yayo by filling out her survey here.