Yes, it’s true, the semester is indeed over.  Celebrate as you will. No doubt, this holiday you’ve earned looks mighty appealing right now. But Fridays never end, so here we are, celebrating Friday with another list of scantily academic things you can distract yourself with.

  • Research doesn’t always go as planned. This can be very frustrating for some students, especially in the middle of a dissertation. But take comfort in the fact that many of the best discoveries were accidental, like these 10 Awesome Accidental Discoveries from Popular Mechanics. Warning: reading about the discovery of Teflon might make you never want to cook with Teflon again.
  • You can be interested in the Stanley Cup Playoffs and still keep your GA/TA, academic cred. In fact, the scholarship of hockey is, as the kids say, “a thing”. No really. For instance, we stumbled upon this blog post, “Hockey and Canadian Culture“,  written by a friend of a friend of the Network, Paul W. Martin. Now if only there was a SoTL of hockey education too…