The internet is a strange treasure chest for a burnt-out scholar looking to take a break. Mostly, if you dream it, Google can find it. Other times all one needs to do is cast a net into the social media sea and pull out what everyone else is talking about. This is what our friends were talking about this week:

  • If you’re anything like us, you woke up today and said, “Jeeeze, I wish I knew more about China.” Well, why not start by learning about Chinese “nail houses“. Preview: Imagine you lived in an apartment building smack in the middle of a six-lane highway.
  • Our literary friends have been posting all about the Penguin Cup. Yes, Penguin (the publisher) has amassed teams of famous writers from 16 countries to compete in a faux world cup for literary supremacy. Germany has Karl Marx playing on the left wing. England has William Shakespeare playing central midfield. The whole thing is just fantastic.
  • Windsor-Essex boosters already know about the YKNOT Windsor-Essex campaign, aimed at retaining the region’s bright young minds. Why not give them a Thunderclap?

Happy Friday!