Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Sixth Annual Conference on Teaching and Learning
Oakland University, Rochester, MI
May 9-10, 2012

Excellence in Teaching and Learning:
How do we know it? How do we make it happen? What are the implications?

Excellence in teaching and learning has been a subject of much discussion within colleges and universities across the globe. Attempting to quantify and qualify what constitutes excellence in teaching and learning has received much attention from scholars in the past decade. While evidence of excellent teaching practices continues to emerge, there is still a great deal to uncover and discuss regarding what excellence in teaching and learning looks like in the classroom, how we can make it happen, and what the varied effects of such practices are. This year’s joint conference between Oakland University and the University of Windsor will explore how excellence in teaching and learning is defined in theory and practice at the post-secondary level. Conference themes under the broad rubric of excellence in teaching and learning include the following:

  • Evaluating Teaching Practices
  • Faculty Development
  • Student Engagement
  • Assessing Student Learning
  • Student Persistence and Retention

While the program committee welcomes sharing best practices, we are especially interested in presentations and conversations that invite engaging dialogue about the nature of student learning and the influence we might have as teachers.