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Julia Colella

Julia Colella is a Research Assistant and a graduate student in the Master’s of Education Program studying Curriculum Studies with a Thesis component in the Faculty of Education. Julia has a Bachelor of Sociology and Psychology with Thesis as well as a Bachelor of Education. She is a registered member of the Ontario College of Teachers. Throughout her Bachelor degrees, Julia took a leadership role in Foundations of Academic Writing (FAW), allowing her to be a Head Teaching Assistant (TA). She currently works as the Assistant Coordinator of FAW and is a FAW sessional instructor. She has coauthored two manuals for FAW teaching assistants (TAs), co-developed a workshop for FAW students, and led several FAW TA training orientations. She was the recipient of the University of Windsor’s GA/TA Award for Educational Leadership (2010-2011), and this year she won the University of Windsor’s GA/TA Award for Educational Practice (2011-2012). Her research interests include academic misconduct in higher education as well as curriculum development.

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