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Christin Moeller

Christin Moeller is a PhD candidate in the University of Windsor’s Department of Psychology with over 5 years of experience as a graduate assistant (GA). Throughout her GA years, she has developed a bit of a “plagiarism track record” in the Psychology Department due to a knack for detecting plagiarism in students’ papers and assignments. Christin has a keen interest in facilitating the knowledge transfer between junior and senior GAs and, in an effort to increase the dissemination of the insights accumulated by “seasoned” GAs, has collaborated with the Academic Integrity Office to develop resources for identifying and dealing with possible plagiarism in students’ work. Her efforts have recently been recognized with a “GA/TA Award for Educational Leadership” from the University of Windsor as well as an “Award of Excellence” from the Council of Canadian Departments of Psychology. Christin’s academic interests and research efforts focus on occupational health and well-being as well as issues in higher education. Despite an apparent knack for spotting plagiarism in students’ work, Christin has been unable to figure out even a single autostereogram in her entire life – Though she does find some consolation in being moderately adept at solving crossword puzzles in both English and German.

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