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Jessica Penwell Barnett

Jessica Penwell Barnett – I hail from Goshen, a small city in northern Indiana. I got my BA in psychology at Indiana University. After undergrad, I worked as the Volunteer and Community Education Coordinator at a sexual assault services program and then as a Research Assistant for the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. I spent most of my time on a clinical trial of a therapeutic intervention for women who engaged in “risky” sexual behaviours. I was ‘in the workforce’ for about five years, until I finally got into grad school on my third try. I got my MA in sociology here at the University of Windsor. I am now in my third year of the PhD program. I took two terms off last year for the birth of my first child. Rowan will be one in October. I recently defended my dissertation proposal, titled Sexual Citizenship on the Autism Spectrum. Amidst school and family, I have had many teaching GAs (mostly third-year statistics) and a couple RAs. I have managed two peer-reviewed publications and am working on the Fundamentals of University Teaching certificate at our spectacular CTL. I dream of adequate sleep, tropical beaches, and landing a tenure-track position.

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