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Kathryn Brillinger

Kathryn Brillinger - is a college professor (at Conestoga College) and keynote speaker/writer/consultant on issues relating to communication, diversity and intercultural skills. She has presented hundreds of times on topics ranging from the impact of nonverbal cues on communication endeavours to solving teaching and intercultural dilemmas. She has written materials on second language teaching and co-authored Pearson-Longman’s "Writing for Results" (2008). She is best known to teaching audiences for her efforts to create awareness of best practices in diversity in teaching. She has spoken in various countries and is recognized locally as a knowledgeable, provocative and engaging speaker. Her Ontario audiences have included the Ministry or Citizenship and Immigration, Ontario Public Service, colleges, universities, school boards, immigrant-serving agencies, and multi-national corporations. Her presentations and workshops are highly informative, interactive, and fun, and. As a college professor with over 20 years of experience, she is aptly placed when sharing her experiences and suggestions with colleagues.

Kathryn’s extensive experience teaching in the Ontario college system and her presentation and communication skills have made her a sought-after expert on the various issues relating to teaching in our highly diverse college classroom.  She brings a bundle of best practices that can be implemented in most of our classrooms.  Enjoy this highly interesting and useful presentation on engaging your class.  It will be a big help in understanding the various messages being sent out by your students.  

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