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Niharendu Biswas

Dr. Nihar Biswas is a Distinguished Professor of Environmental Engineering at the University of Windsor. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineers (CSCE) and received the prestigious Albert E. Berry Medal, a national award in Environmental Engineering. Recently, he also received an honorary doctorate from the University of Guelph for his life-long contribution to the Environmental profession. He also has received the Golden Apple award for teaching in the Faculty of Engineering and the Alumni Teaching Excellence award of the University of Windsor. Dr. Biswas has served as Head, Senior Associate Dean of Engineering, acting Dean of Graduate Studies and Vice President Research at Windsor. He has worked as a consultant to the World Health Organization in many developing countries, including Jamaica, Nigeria, and Suriname. Dr. Biswas has mentored many undergraduate students and supervised/co-supervised 55 master’s, 40 doctoral students and 25 Post-Doctoral Fellows. Many of his doctoral students now hold academic positions in Canada, the USA, Australia, Egypt, and India. Dr. Biswas has published over 250 journal and conference papers and has served on the editorial board and as an Associate Editor of many national and international journals. Currently, he is the Co-Editor in -Chief of CSCE. He has served in many national committees: CFI, the College of Reviewers for CRC, NSERC (Canada); the NSERC Discovery Grant Evaluation Group, NSERC – IRC and the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board.

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