From an email sent by Beverly Hamilton, Executive Assistant, Teaching and Learning at the University of Windsor:

On The Verge: Debating the Future of University Teaching
The University of Windsor-Oakland University Conference on Teaching and Learning
University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
May 1-2, 2012

Proposal Deadline: February 28, 2013
Join us at the Provosts’ Forum on the Future of University Teaching (May 1) and the University of Windsor-Oakland University Conference on Teaching and Learning (May 2)!

This year’s topic, On the Verge: Debating the Future of University Teaching asks us to explore where we are headed next. What innovations are changing the way your students are learning, and the way you’re teaching? The conference will focus on teaching and learning now and soon – what you envision, what you dread, and what you’re doing about it.

Proposals are welcome from faculty, staff, and students until February 28. For more information on possible topics, see below.

To learn more about the conference, and/or submit a proposal visit:

The future of how: modes, media, and meaning in an era of ubiquitous information
Questions like….

  • How are you using new technologies and new media to reach students in new ways?
  • How are you implementing new approaches like flipped classrooms, MOOCs, e-books, or learning outcomes assessment? What difference is it making to teaching and learning?
  • How do you work with, and around, the connectivity of mobile technologies?
  • How are you contributing to the future of university teaching?
  • How are you addressing challenges emerging from the political, economic and social climate in the post-secondary sector?
  • How do you balance information acquisition, meaning making, and skill development in your teaching and program development?
  • How are institutions beginning to use massive data sets to inform institutional and teaching decisions? How are these practices impacting learning and success
  • How does your new program meet emerging needs of students, employers and your discipline?

The future of who: learners, traditional and non-traditional; communities; networks; markets, education systems, and the role of government
Questions like….

  • Who are the learners at the university of the future? What are the implications of changing populations for your practice?
  • What new interdisciplinary and interdepartmental teams are building integrated support and opportunity for your students?
  • Which students need specific kinds of support or opportunities – and how are you meeting those needs? What emerging groups of students need more help?
  • Who are the instructors now and in the future — and how are you supporting their development and growth?
  • Who is marginalized now – or will be – and how are you trying to address that?
  • Who is open to change? Who isn’t? Why?

The future of what: curricula, programs, pressures, purposes
Questions like….

  • What is the purpose of university study, and how is that changing? What has that meant in your program or teaching?
  • What are the core programs of your university? What changes are being incorporated, and why?
  • What impact are changes you’ve made in your program having on student learning and prospects?
  • What have you changed or added to a program, course, or institution recently? Why, and how will that unfold in the future?
  • What new kinds of information are shaping decision making about university programs and practices?
  • What do you think we’re losing as we head into the future? What do you think we should do about it?
  • What was the last straw? What did you do then?

The future of where: creating space for learning — on campus, in the work place, at home
Questions like….

  • If the University is where students and faculty create knowledge and learning, where is the university now and where will it be in the future?
  • Given emerging technologies, private industry models, internationalization, the growth of colleges – where is post-secondary learning happening now and what will the future bring?
  • How are new campus spaces, and newly equipped campus spaces, changing what you and students can do?
  • Where do you students come from? Why does that matter?
  • Articulation agreements and credit transfer among institutions – what is emerging, and what are the implications for teaching practice?

The future of when: teaching at the speed of change; new patterns and pathways to credentialing and re-schooling.
Questions like….

  • What innovations around credentialing and prior learning assessment are evolving at your university or in your field?
  • What are the necessities, pitfalls and promise of flexible curriculum design (e.g. shorter degrees, credit transfer, modular programs, and certificate programs)?
  • When will universities become more flexible in the face of disruptive change to the sector as a whole?
  • What are the emerging challenges and effective practices associated with asynchronous learning?

The future of why: factors determining new directions, and the interests that our institutions serve
Questions like….

  • Why are students in your course, program, or university succeeding like never before?
  • Why will universities thrive in the future? Or why will everything fall apart?
  • Why did your initiative get support? What actions did you take that made it sustainable over the long run?
  • Why are you changing what you do in the classroom or with student? How is that working out?
  • Why will people keep teaching? What will make them resilient in the face of change?
  • Why will everyone take their courses online? Why won’t they? Evidence from your practice.

To learn more about the conference, and/or submit a proposal visit:



One Response to Submit to the 2013 Windsor-Oakland Teaching and Learning Conference

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