About Us


Whether online, at workshops, or in print, the GATA Network Development Team facilitates peer mentorship as well as resource sharing for undergraduate and graduate teaching assistants on campus in order to improve and promote the teaching and learning experiences of GAs and TAs at the University of Windsor. Contact the team at gata@uwindsor.ca.

Our Team:

GATALauraLaura Chittle is the acting GATA Network Coordinator. Through the Network, she looks forward to promoting a learning-centred culture and facilitating GA and TA access to various materials, workshops, and mentorship programs designed for their professional development. She is a graduate of the BHK program and is currently a Master’s student in Human Kinetics. Laura has worked as a GA throughout her graduate degree. She can be contacted at chittlel@uwindsor.ca.


GATAElizabethElizabeth Ismail manages the Network’s social media and the GATA Network Blog as our GATA Digital Outreach Coordinator. She is nearing the completion of a M.Ed. in Educational Technology and has had experience as a TA throughout her undergraduate degree. Elizabeth is also helping to redesign the assessment structure for the Introductory Psychology courses at the University of Windsor. She is excited to grow as both a teacher and a learner within the Network and aims to support others in their own development. Elizabeth can be contacted at ismaile@uwindsor.ca.


Network Alumni:

BetsyBetsy Keating was the first GATA Network Coordinator. She facilitated connections between undergraduate and graduate teaching assistants and the many resources available to them. Through Betsy’s work with the Network, GAs and TAs with an interest in developing their teaching skills have been able to connect with peer mentors, attend workshops, locate useful materials, support, and advice, or share their own experiences. Betsy is also a doctoral student in Education.


JohnGATAGATA Digital Outreach Coordinator. John continued where Greg left off in terms of managing the Network’s social media and the GATA Network Blog. John is a recent graduate of the M.Ed. Curriculum Studies program. John worked as both a TA and GA throughout his undergraduate and graduate degrees at the University of Windsor.




Greg Paziuk was our most recent GATA Digital Outreach Coordinator. Day-to-day he managed the Network’s social media and the GATA Network Blog. Greg is a graduate of the UWindsor MA English Program (like Melanie), where he was a GA instructor in English Composition (like Melanie). He also worked in Leddy Library at the Writing Support Desk.



Candace: Digital Outreach Coordinator

Candace Nast was the first GATA Digital Outreach Coordinator. She’s the creator of the GATA Network Facebook Page, the GATA Twitter Account and Towards Better Teaching, forging connections between GAs and TAs  within disciplines and across campus and linking them to online resources about teaching and learning. Candace was also a Sessional Instructor in History and Women’s Studies.


Melanie: Handbook Editor

As the GATA Handbook Editor, Melanie Santarossa was responsible for compiling the GATA teaching and learning handbook which serves as a resource for undergraduate and graduate assistants who wish to share and develop their pedagogical practices. Melanie is a graduate of the UWindsor MA English program.

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