Blackboard Learn is the learning management system that the University of Windsor campus is adopting. It is a robust enterprise system, designed to provide an enhanced learning experience for students, an efficient interface for instructors to prepare course materials and interact with students, and offers a customizable infrastructure.
Transitioning from CLEW to Blackboard Learn can be difficult for some users. Accordingly, the Centre for Teaching and Learning is offering a series of workshops designed to provide valuable information about using and configuring Blackboard Learn for instructors, their assistants, and support staff.
CTL is holding ongoing drop-in sessions for the first two weeks of classes to help with questions. The dates/time are posted at:
You can also register for the online courses you feel are most aligned with your teaching and learning goals:
There is also a ton of online help for specific topics. The U of W page for online help is at Blackboard’s extensive online help (for instructors) is at complete with videos, tutorials, and a searchable interface.
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seem like you know what you’re talking about! Thanks