Centre for Teaching and Learning
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CTL Registration

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Are you an early career faculty member? If so, you’re invited to join one of our small mentoring groups led by experienced UWindsor faculty. These once-a-month sessions are dedicated to supporting you in balancing your teaching, research, and service expectations. Two to three mentors with different experience and background will meet with their group of 6-8 early career faculty each month throughout the academic year (F24 & W25). The sessions are informal in structure, offering opportunities for ECF to meet with colleagues, make professional connections, share information that can assist with their professional development, and demystify the RTP process. The mentors working together with the mentees shape the meetings on topics and themes relevant to thriving at the UWindsor and accommodating their teaching, research, service, and work-life demands! Our past participants have found the hour-long sessions a comfortable venue where they can discuss challenges and concerns and learn how to navigate the academic/ institutional landscape. We look forward to you joining our ECF workshop community.