UNO: Play It! | GradHacker

On August 11, 2011, in Think About It, by Candace Nast

This sounds like a great idea for keeping some balance in your grad school life. Anyone at UWindsor doing this? Anyone want to set up grad school game night?

A colleague and friend of mine once told me that UNO is the best game for graduate students because it’s just numbers and colors. It doesn’t require ample amounts of structured thought. I think I agree with her. One reason I always favored UNO is because it reminded me of my childhood, it’s easy to figure out, and it’s a social game. The game requires interaction with other people, and I think that’s what makes it such a gem: numbers, colors, and interaction. How much simpler can you get?


I think graduate students should have game nights because it’s important to switch off your brain a bit and relax. I love my studies, and I love being an academic, but I also love UNO.

via UNO: Play It! | GradHacker.