On January 10, 2013, sociology PhD student Rochelle Stevenson presented a workshop on Giving Meaningful Feedback as part of GATA Winter Academy. Workshops like this one provide professional development for teaching assistants at the University of Windsor.

Workshop participants explored why feedback is important, what makes feedback meaningful and useful, how to give meaningful feedback, and our own attitudes around giving and receiving feedback.

Rochelle also facilitated a few exercises to help the participants improve our feedback skills, both written and verbal.

Here are the slides from the workshop:

Interested in having a workshop like this in your department? Get in touch with the GATA Network coordinators, Candace and Betsy, at gata@uwindsor.ca.


Rochelle also shared a collection of rubric examples that will provide a starting point for GAs and TAs creating their own. Check them out on the California State University, Bakersfield website: http://www.csub.edu/TLC/options/resources/handouts/Rubric_Packet_Jan06.pdf