You Survived Your First Week

As the first full week of classes, this was your first real test as GAs/TAs. Now that it’s Friday afternoon, we can officially say that you made it.

But did you make it unscathed? Was your first real week so successful that you’re ready for more? If so, then kudos.

Unfortunately, many of you will not have been so lucky. No doubt some of you found this week difficult; most of you probably found the whole thing overwhelming. The most important thing you need to know is that this is all very normal.

So now that you’ve survived that first week, let’s celebrate this Friday by getting you thinking about some ways to survive those weeks ahead.

Staying On Top Of Things

At this point in your academic career, you may have found your work-life balance. Even if you have, becoming a GA/TA can throw that balance out of whack. If your first week left you wondering how you’ll make time to stay up-to-date while doing everything else, Ashley Sanders has some great advice on how to keep up with all the info you need to know.

Realize You’re Not Alone

That may sound like the title of a 90’s pop-ballad, but the point is that you aren’t the first to find balancing roles difficult. There’s a very good chance that other GAs and TAs have encountered the same difficulties you might be facing right now. This guide from Katherine Eltringham is a useful piece to read and reread as you encounter new challenges adjusting to life as a GA or TA.

Make Time For Other Things

Yes, your schedule will get even more hectic as the semester rolls on. While juggling your work, your research, and the concerns of your students or supervisor, it can feel like you never have time for yourself. So how do you deal with the stress? On that topic, there’s no more reliable authority than Buzzfeed. And if you’re looking for distractions, then why not check here?