Midterms have already or are about to start, which is no fun whether you’re writing them or grading them. Making matters bleaker, the sun no longer sticks around until supper time. Worse than that, your favourite sports team also just lost the big game, your favourite t.v. show just got cancelled, and you have to do that thing you don’t want to for that person you don’t really like.

April aside, isn’t October just the worst?

Yes. We can’t fix that. Instead here’s a clip of Shakespearean space cowboy Patrick Stewart teaching us about the quadruple take in the YouTube sensation Quadruple Take Masterclass. Because some Fridays you just want to watch a notoriously severe actor give an informal lecture on the most obscure topic imaginable so that you can forget your troubles. Maybe we can also learn something from Stewart’s teaching style (but mostly we’ll just laugh at the idea of Captain Picard in a hoodie).