To register for this free workshop, visit

Schedule: Wednesday, September 05, 2012, 01:00 PM – 02:30 PM
Location: Odette B02
Instructors: Jessica Penwell Barnett , Dusty Johnstone , Bailey McMeans

Are you considering going to graduate school? Are you already in graduate school and wondering what comes next? Are you questioning whether you are getting the most out of your academic experience? Come to our panel! We represent a range of disciplinary backgrounds and diverse academic experiences and will be sharing our own graduate school experiences and discussing how we are preparing for our future careers. Through sharing our stories we hope to provide you with insight on how to get what you want and need out of your graduate school experience. Start planning for what comes after graduate school now, so you don’t end up in debt, degree-less and overcome with self-loathing in six years! (Disclaimer: ok, so we can’t actually promise that we’ll help you avoid any of these things… but we’ll try to given reasonable advice). Come to our session and benefit from the lessons we’ve learned over the years. We promise that you will leave enlightened and amused by our thoughtful reflection and witty banter! (Note: we can’t actually promise this).

via CTL Registration: GATAcademy 2012.